vtdata library
Countries Member List

This is the complete list of members for Countries, including all inherited members.

FindPlace(const char *country, const char *place, DPoint2 &point) (defined in Countries)Countries
FindPlaceWithGuess(const char *country, const char *place, DPoint2 &point, bool bUTF8=false)Countries
Free(bool progress_callback(int)=0) (defined in Countries)Countries
m_countries (defined in Countries)Countriesprotected
m_path (defined in Countries)Countriesprotected
ParseRawCountry(int i, bool bNativeNames) (defined in Countries)Countries
ParseRawCountryFiles(const char *path_prefix, bool bNativeNames) (defined in Countries)Countries
ReadCountryList(const char *fname) (defined in Countries)Countries
ReadGCF(const char *fname, bool progress_callback(int)=NULL) (defined in Countries)Countries
WriteGCF(const char *fname) (defined in Countries)Countries
WriteSHPPerCountry(const char *prefix) (defined in Countries)Countries
WriteSingleSHP(const char *fname) (defined in Countries)Countries
~Countries() (defined in Countries)Countries